Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Okay, we made it through...

Okay, we made it through [...] all the exits were closed. Worked(?) about it [...] today. No issues. We're about 20 miles away from the turn(?) off for IA(?) [...] San Diego. [...] probably like our last stop in [...] Arizona. We're not gonna make for dinner but we'll be about an hour till after that. [...] the weather 75 degrees. Blue skies, winds died(?) way down. Little bit of traffic light now but we'll lose(?) [...] when we make the turn, on 8th. So, it's been a pretty good ride so far. So, heavy weather today. A little wind(?) in a couple places but that's it. And or [...] damn cold, 23 degrees. Or(?) not, it's been good. Alright, check in later. Goodbye. listen

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